“I love performing. I love playing gigs. I will play until I die.”
Who says nice guys finish last? Not so for the multi-talented singer – songwriter and masterful guitarist Danny Langdon, who happens to be a really, really nice guy. He’s been compared to the outstanding Tom Petty and Pete Townsend and his album “Hard Lessons” was said to be “the best mainstream pop album to come out of Long Island by anybody who doesn’t have the last name, Joel (as in, Billy).” As quoted by John Blenn, “Long Island Entertainment.” While being in the company of these rock and roll and pop icons is nice, it’s not what this Long Island, New York–native lives for. His passion for writing and performing music is as sincere as his love for family, friends, and his faith and there-in is the dynamic of Danny Langdon. He is an amazingly talented musician, dedicated to living life on the side of honesty and integrity. This is not always the combination that makes rock and rollers, or many entertainers for that matter, successful. It is, however, who Danny Langdon is, to his core. No apologies. Danny is best known for playing classic rock from yesterday and today, (think Springsteen, Dylan, Rolling Stones, and Creedence Clearwater) with his own twist, of course. It’s doubtful anyone performs Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Sweet Home Alabama” with more conviction than Danny. Roll Tide…. However, his true craftmanship and passion shines through when playing his original heartfelt songs driven by his life experiences. Original songs like “Save Me” and “Found the Love” are the heart and soul of an evening with Danny Langdon. They impact the set like a tour de force. Danny is one of seven sons, and his music and high-energy live performances reflect a playful, confident air- a sure-fire sign he’s accustomed to bantering with brothers in light-hearted, verbal tug of wars. For years, Danny enjoyed a career on both coasts, with a home base in San Diego, California, and a second home in Long Island, New York. The commute was tough, but the rewards were soul-enriching for Danny and for his music career. Now back in NY full-time, and just up the street from his teenage son, Danny has come full circle. He is immersed in his music and with his family and many life-long friends. Some of those long-time friends and fellow musicians will occasionally show-up and sit-in with Danny on the rock and roll classics, pushing the music to the edge, where Danny Langdon is always willing to go. This artist, though, is equally comfortable playing solo, duo or with the Danny Langdon Band. His “rocker with a heart” attitude is amplified every time he steps on a stage. Danny Langdon loves to play music, loves the thrill of performing, and yes, plans to play until he dies.